SIgnia hp-3
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Different Types of Hearing Aid:

Our Support & Services:

support & service
Hearing Aids Support.
All Types of Hearing test.
Accessories support
Apps & Warranty support
Tinnitus management
Ear Mould & Shell Making Facility
Repairing and Servicing of hearing aids

Our services of Audiometry:

  1. Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA)
  2. Impedance ( Tympanometry 226Hz for Adult)
  3. Impedance ( Tympanometry 1000 Hz for Child)
  4. Eustachian Tube Function Test( ETF)
  5. SRT (Stapedial  Reflex Threshold)
  6. Behaviour Observation Audiometry (BOA)
  7. Play Audiometry
  8. Speech Audiometry
  9. UCL
  10. Tone Decay
  11. Computerized Digital Hearing Aid Fitting

World Class Different Brand of Hearing Aid

Different Style of Hearing Aids:

Completely in Canal (CIC):
Only slightly larger than the Miniscopic™ hearing instrument, the CIC is  another great option for patients who want a nearly invisible solution. Almost completely hidden except for a removal cord, the CIC is a smart choice for patients who want high-end technology in a small package.

Invisible in Canal (IIC)

Miniscopic™ is 100% invisible*. It is a deep insertion hearing aid that is customized to fit your ear’s canal. Miniscopic’s state-of-the-art digital technology is 100% programmable and is available for a variety of hearing losses. Designed to be removed daily to promote better ear health.

* Invisibility may vary based on your ear’s anatomy.

In the Canal (ITC)

ITC instruments are custom built for your ear, so they fit snugly and comfortably. Only the face of the device extends into the outer ear, while the body extends into your ear canal. The slightly larger design offers extra power, making the ITC a great selection for mild to mildly severe hearing loss.

Receiver In Canal (RIC):

Receiver-in-canal (RIC) hearing aids sit behind the ear and deliver sound directly into the ear. This is because the receiver is located outside of the hearing aid itself and instead inside ear canal. The hearing aid and receiver are connected by a discreet ‘receiver wire’ which houses an electrical cable.

Mini Receiver in Canal

The Mini RIC is the smallest RIC ever designed and is virtually unseen when worn. The Mini RIC might be tiny but it packs a punch when it comes to performance, style and one of a kind features.



To find out where your nearest hearing specialist is, simply click the button below. If the test indicates that you may have a hearing loss, then contact the specialist for an initial consultation or appointment.

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